Nailsea and District Croquet Club’s Short Croquet team enjoyed a resounding success against rivals Taunton Deane B team recently, winning the match 14-2.

Short Croquet is a really popular version of Association Croquet played on small lawns and is popular at Nailsea and widely played at clubs across the southwest.

It is also poplar with experienced players and newcomers alike, as the handicapping system gives everyone an even chance of winning.

On closer analysis the victory was more closely fought that the result suggests with the gusty wind and low temperatures providing interesting battlegrounds for all the players.

Only two games were pegged out, with Nailsea’s Andrew Windhurst achieving the victories.

Many other players failed to achieve much more than half their points. Five games were won by +1 on time, and two games were won +2 on time, showing just how close the match was.

However, despite the fierce competition it was a cheerful spirit that pervaded the day, the teams companions in adversity against the weather, and bonding over hot tea and marmalade cake.

To find out more visit the club’s website here.