Freemasons have made a £5,000 donation to Children’s Hospice South West’s (CHSW) Charlton Farm children’s hospice in memory of Prince Philip.

Five Mark lodges from across the county each nominated the hospice to receive a share of a £1.3million wider grant from the Mark Benevolent Fund, the official charity of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons.

Money was distributed to more than 250 hospices across England and Wales, including CHSW’s other hospices in Cornwall and North Devon, to celebrate the life of the Duke of Edinburgh, himself a Freemason, who died in April.

Philip Voisey, the Right Worshipful Brother for the province of Somerset, said: “We are absolutely delighted that the members of the Province have chosen to support Charlton Farm children’s hospice.

“We are all aware of the toll that the pandemic has taken on charities across the country and hope that this small gift will go some way to help enhance patient care and provide improved facilities for those in need and their families.”