On page 2 of the North Somerset Times dated 6.11.24, North Somerset Council complains of having a "financial emergency" and desperately needs to save money.

On the same page, Councillor Jenna Ho Mattis is sending out a survey, we assume by post, to 5000 householders to learn about residents' health and wellbeing needs.

If it is indeed a postal survey, that will be a minimum of 5000 sheets of paper, 5000 envelopes, 5000 return envelopes, stamped of course, the price of stamps including the return franked envelopes costing £7900, and the cost of 10000 envelopes and the minimum of 5000 sheets of paper being a significant cost.

I hope councillor Mattis has considered this cost and will be contacting people by email to negate this huge and unnecessary cost.

We need councillors to be frugal with their work, which "may" prevent us from unnecessary parking charges, which people are not prepared to pay, resulting in all the side streets being clogged by cars.

Yours sincerely,

Keith Nicholls