AN action-packed ladies' night in Portishead is expected to raise hundreds of pounds for a charity supporting some of Africa's poorest children.

The event, featuring fun, fashion, dancing and goody bags, has been organised by SoleLution shoe shop owner Tanya Marriott and a small group of friends.

It will take place at Somerset Hall on Friday, September 13 and will raise money for Educate The Kids, a charity that supports underprivileged children in a village near Mombasa, Kenya.

The children attend Jolaurabi School, which was built thanks to a British woman who has dedicated more than 25 years to the charity.

Tanya said: “As well as being an important fundraiser the ladies night' promises a brilliant and action-packed night out.

“Our fashion shows will present a range of gorgeous outfits you can buy in Portishead, along with tips on how to dress to impress sustainably by supporting our local charity shops.

“There will also be some amazing raffle and auction prizes, live music, time for dancing and free goody bags to take home.”

The event will feature live music from Kenyan singer Simon Sims, a DJ and a bar.

Sims, who was on The Voice UK in 2023, narrowly missing the semi-finals, was given the chance to attend Jolaurabi School as a child thanks to Educate The Kids.

He credits this opportunity for allowing him to escape poverty and pursue a career in music.

Attending the ladies' night is one of many ways to support Educate The Kids.

To attend school, the children require sponsors, and just £11 a month supports a child through primary school, including uniform, breakfast, lunch, books, and exam fees.

Several of the North Somerset volunteers who visit Jolaurabi School each year with Tanya began by sponsoring a child.

They then got more involved and offered to help accompany Tanya with her suitcases of donated shoes.

Many of the volunteers now go annually to help fit the shoes at the beginning of the school year, which is in January.

Tanya and a group of volunteers visit the school annually to fit pre-worn shoes donated by her customers and local residents.

The school choir, The Singing Children of Africa, embarks on a fundraising tour each year, often coming to the UK and visiting Portishead.

Tickets are available at