A bus stop shelter in Clevedon, North Somerset, has been completely removed and not replaced in three months after being damaged some time before that.

Have you seen bus stops disappearing around your local area? If you have then residents of Clevedon may be complaining about the same thing.

Saltings Close bus stop, which can be found on Clevedon’s Southern Way, was damaged by a car accident earlier this year, an incident which was followed by the assumption that the stop would be repaired.

However, the shelter was removed in June after the accident with North Somerset Council planning on it being replaced by the end of this year.

The long repair time leaves residents with nothing to stand under whilst waiting for the bus, a small problem in the summer that could quickly escalate into a serious issue for many as we head towards winter given England’s famously wet weather.

A spokesperson from North Somerset Council said: “We arranged for the bus shelter on Saltings Close in Clevedon to be removed in late June after it was assessed as unsafe.

“We have placed an order for its replacement and expect a new shelter to be delivered and fitted before the end of the year, although it is hoped that time scale can brought forward.

“Bus services are still in operation at the stop which still possesses a timetable and real-time information display.”

 If you have noticed any bus stops near you that have been damaged or removed please do let us know at nstimes@newsquest.co.uk.