CELEBRATIONS have been in full swing at Cadbury Hall Care Home, as one of its residents reaches his centenary in style.

Mr John Burgess was joined by staff, relatives, friends and other residents as he celenrated his landmark birthday at the Yatton care home.

A champagne reception was held at the home and guests enjoyed a special birthday cake made by the home’s chef Jack Chapman.

John was born on August 10, 1924, in the pre-war era, and grew up in Wiltshire.

John, in his own words, had a good childhood growing up, and particularly enjoyed Christmas because it was a big family event as his mother, aunt and grandmother prepared a large spread for the family.

He has had a distinguished career past ranging from volunteering in the RAF and travelling to very many places such as Egypt and Kenya; to being a Morris Dancer; to being the Head Master for 20 years at Yatton Primary School where he joined on January 1, 1967.

John still remembers his students who are the children of some of the residents here at Cadbury Hall and even their addresses.

He talks about how important it was for him to teach each class and know the students who he taught.

As John was a folk dancer, on his birthday staff and residents, as well as other guests were treated to a performance of the Morris Dancers.

He said he joined folk dancer in the 50s where it was most performed in the classroom rather than publicly, however, it became popular and John recalls having successful events in different locations in the UK.

John celebrated with the Morris Dancers who visited him to perform just for his birthday as he used to lead the group of dancers. His two sons, Pete and Andy also performed with the Morris Dancers, and John was very proud.

John has seen the world and talks about his gorgeous wife and the life they shared with their 2 sons – Pete and Andy.

The birthday boy with an emotional response said: “I feel so, so lucky today, I feel special.

“I want to thank all my friends and family who came to spend the day with me. It doesn’t feel real that I’m 100 years old.”

Among those relatives attending was John’s son Pete and Andy, and his grandson who played host for the afternoon to lots of guests.

Speaking about his centenarian, one of John’s son Andy said: “John has been great throughout myself and Pete’s lives.

“He has been a great friend to so many over the past hundred years, and it’s wonderful to be with him on this very special day to say just how proud he makes us feel. It was a brilliant day, and Cadbury Hall made it great and memorable for dad as he celebrated his 100th birthday.”

Audrene Abrigo, general manager of Barchester Cadbury Hall Care Home added: “We’re delighted to be celebrating a truly remarkable man as he reaches this amazing milestone.

“John is an intelligent, funny and great individual who is also a conversationalist, and is such a popular resident who always has an interesting tale to tell, and we look forward to hearing many more as he breaks into his next century.”

Cadbury Hall Care Home is run by Barchester Healthcare, one of the UK’s largest care providers, which is committed to delivering personalised care across its care homes and hospitals.

Cadbury Hall provides residential care for up to 34 residents from respite care to long term stays.