Clevedon’s Marine Lake has undergone a small, sea-life clean up session this weekend as local volunteers have helped make the pontoon safer to use.

After reports from multiple swimmers enjoying the summer sun that they had gotten cuts or grazes after being on the lake’s plastic pontoon locals jumped into action to diagnose and solve the issue.

Mike Perrot, Chair and Lead Coach of Clevedon Canoe Club as well as a trustee of the Lake, took to the water to help investigate and quickly found that a build up of barnacles was the likely cause of the problem.

He said: "I spent over an hour scraping off barnacles, there were lots of them, but I think I have removed most of them down to about two feet.

“There may be more of them lower down the pontoon, but it’s not easy to reach that far.

“Several swimmers reported minor cuts and scratches from the island; it is entirely plastic so it must have been barnacles as there is nothing else protruding that I could see or feel.”

There was also help from Dan and Sky of Clevedon’s Supway Hire who were on hand to administer first aid to any injured swimmers.

Dan and Sky are also volunteers for the Marlens, the charity responsible for maintaining the marine lake.

Warning signs have now been posted on railings and members of the lake have advised swimmers using the pontoon to get on it using the steps rather than climbing up the other sides.

The lake is scheduled to be drained for maintenance and repairs on the evening of October 8th, all volunteers welcome, at which point further checks will be carried out to ensure the safety of the pontoon.