A group of Nailsea Grammar School alumni will be celebrating their 60th anniversary with a reunion later this year.

September 7 will mark the day the former pupils entered the school's gates as 11-year-olds.

Many from the group, who are scattered across the globe as far as Canada, Switzerland, Australia and New Zealand, previously met in 2004.

A celebration on the date has been planned and one of the organisers, Ghislaine (nee) Endicott, said: “It will be great to meet friends old and new again to share stories of the fun we had, including photos and memorabilia which would be welcome.”

Sam Moncaster said: “A local Lounge has been booked for late afternoon and evening, snacks and drinks organised and nearly a class-full of people already keen to attend, but if this was your year, we look forward to seeing you there too.”