ON AUGUST 1, the RNLI volunteers at Portishead will be holding a remembrance service at 6pm at the lifeboat station.

A two-minute silence will fall at 6.24pm (subject to callouts) to mark the 200th RNLI’s anniversary and to remember all volunteers who have dedicated not only their time but also those who have paid the ultimate price when saving lives at sea.

This community event will take place at the lifeboat station in Portishead and members of the public are welcome to join all of the RNLI volunteers from 6pm.

As you come down the steps from The Royal Inn, and walk towards the Marina, there will be a gathering on the launch ramp.

The volunteers would like to invite all of our local community to come and join them.

Mike Roberts, president at Portishead Lifeboat Station said: “This will be a time to reflect on the last 200 years of lifesaving by our charity.

“In Portishead our volunteers give so much of their time, whether it is in the shop, fundraising, education, or as part of the crew - all are part of our lifesaving family here.

“But we also know that we are part of a much larger lifeboat family that crosses these islands and internationally.

“All give their time and energy, but a cherished few have given their own lives too whilst saving the lives of others at sea.

“This commemoration of them will be sombre I am sure, but it is right to take time to remember as well as to celebrate our history, achievements and collective commitment.”

Whilst we hope for the best weather, please be mindful of the forecast and bring wet weather clothing if required, this event will go ahead whatever the weather.

As this event will be quite short, there will not be any seating so please bring a chair if you cannot stand to join us.

Please also be mindful of our wonderful neighbours and park responsibly, thank you so much.

If the pager sounds during the short service we would like to ask everyone to move towards the pier so that the crew can launch on service as quickly as possible.

Once the lifeboat has launched if it is appropriate to do so, we will do our best to continue with the service.

For further information about the RNLI’s 200th anniversary, visit RNLI.org/200. You can listen to the RNLI 200 Voices Podcast on this link - https://rnli.org/about-us/our-history/2024/200-voices