TOWN councillors in Portishead have declared a climate emergency.

At a meeting on June 19, town council members unanimously voted to declare a climate emergency.

The council will now set up a Climate Working Group to work with residents and make recommendations to deal with the climate and biodiversity crisis.

This will allow Portishead Town Council to work with neighbouring councils, government departments, and the voluntary sector to create an action plan, and access additional funding in these areas, that will benefit the residents of Portishead.

Portishead Town Council believe that urgent action is needed on the climate and biodiversity and will be looking at ways that they can make a positive impact in this area.

If you'd like to get involved, please email - or call - 01275 847 078.

What it means The town council “pledges to do whatever is in its power to reduce the impact of Portishead’s emissions, taking into account both production and consumption”.

The authority will work with North Somerset Council and other organisations, to create a Climate Action Plan.

The town council will also develop a list of key performance indicators to measure the progress and impact of all measures taken.