JUNE’S Clevedon Clothes Exchange had the most visitors since the event started, George Gilliam reports.

More people than ever were saving money in Clevedon through getting free clothes, at the same time as reducing the consumption of fast fashion and encouraging recycling.

Clevedon’s Clothes Exchange provides an opportunity for people to bring unwanted clothing items in, and exchange them for garments that they would prefer.

Clothes and accessories can be encouraged; in turn, community spirit can be developed, consumption reduced, fabric can be diverted from landfills and awareness raised of unethical consumer habits.

The third Tuesday of every month at Clevedon Prince’s Hall sees the exchange take place, with doors opening at 7pm.

However, the organisers ask that you do not arrive later than 8.15pm as they will be winding down the event.

Entrance fees are only £3 cash, and you are invited to bring up to a maximum of 10 clean items of adult clothes, shoes, or bags in good condition.

Points and vouchers are issued for every item that you bring, then deducted for every item that you take away.

Clean women’s and men’s clothes and shoes in good condition are accepted.

Anybody who would like to volunteer should email swank.jewellery@gmail.com, as more volunteers are always welcomed and needed.