Labour’s Parliamentary candidate for North Somerset Sadik Al-Hassan has set out his plan to help kickstart the area’s ailing local economy.

Al-Hassan visited local food business Brakes - a Sysco company last week where he set out a list of actions Labour will undertake to help local businesses prosper, provide new jobs for more people, and revitalise the high streets of areas like North Somerset.

Among the proposed changes Al-Hassan spoke about lowering business rates and encouraging renewable power to combat rising energy costs.

He said: “I was delighted to be invited to Brakes Sysco on Tuesday. It was exciting to gain invaluable insight into a business which has committed to looking after its employees and contributing positively to North Somerset’s economy. As North Somerset’s MP, I will champion more good employers like this.

“I learnt that, like many businesses in North Somerset, Brakes is facing particular challenges in recruitment. After working in business myself for nearly two decades, I understand these challenges first-hand, recruitment and retention across all roles is harder. If I am elected, working to fix these to help power up businesses in our area will be a priority.

He continued: “Brakes and many other local businesses also face challenges with energy costs. I was pleased to hear about their plans to build their own wind turbine to tackle this. I look forward to championing similar initiatives and local energy cooperatives if elected on July 4th.

“Labour has produced a detailed programme to boost the local economy, with plans to revitalise our high streets, deliver community banking hubs, tackle anti-social behaviour and shoplifting, as well as introducing powers to take over empty and boarded-up shops.”

On small businesses, Al-Hassan said: “Replacing business rates with a fairer system for local firms will be part of a package of measures to make life easier for small enterprises. This will also give smaller firms a fair chance to secure public contracts.

“At the same time, our new deal for working people will help to put an end to poorly paid and insecure employment, giving everyone key employment rights, a genuine living wage and an end to ‘fire and rehire’ practices.”

The Labour candidate finished with: “On July 4th, North Somerset voters have a real chance to help change their communities after 14 years of neglect. We have a detailed strategy for growth, rooted in local firms and enterprises, backed up by measures which will bring much-needed new life to our high streets.”