Children at The Nursery in Portishead celebrated National Smile Week by getting to know their neighbours.

Located next to the Combe Road Dental Practice, The Nursery invited principal dentist Dr Karim Abdel-Khalek and practice manager and dental nurse, Hannah Martin, to teach the children about dental health.

Interactive discussions about brushing teeth twice a day, eating healthy foods, and regular dentist visits were a part of the day.

The children were given the opportunity to brush over-sized model teeth, providing a fun and tactile learning experience.

Preschool senior at The Nursery, Mel Morton, emphasised the importance of these lessons.

She said: "We feel it’s important to make sure the children learn about oral health and see dentists in a positive and engaging way.

"They had great fun practising their smiles and learning about what kinds of foods are better for their teeth than others."

In addition to the classroom visit, the children toured the neighbouring dental practice.

North Somerset Times:

Dr Abdel-Khalek spoke positively about the experience.

He said: "Helping to instil good dental habits from a young age sets the foundation for a lifetime of healthy smiles and so we were delighted to visit The Nursery during National Smile Month and talk to the children about how regular visits to the dentist is a way of ensuring they maintain strong and healthy teeth."

National Smile Month, from May 13 to June 13 this year, is a charity campaign by the Oral Health Foundation aimed at promoting the benefits of good oral health and the value of a healthy smile.