A POPULAR skate park in North Somerset 'could close' if repeated vandalism to the site continues.

Nailsea Skateboard Park has once again fallen victim to an act of petty vandalism, as a bar from the metal fence has been mindlessly bent out of position.

Nailsea Town Council has expressed its discontent with the situation, as have the owners of the fence, and stated that damage to any railings, wall, or gate could lead to the skate park being closed until repairs can be carried out.

A spokesperson for the town council said: "The council-owned CCTV camera has detected images of a male at the time the damage occurred, and Nailsea Town Council will be passing these images to the police in an attempt to identify the culprits and take action. 

"We intend to pursue restorative justice for this mindless act of vandalism. 

"The fence is not owned by the town council and the owners are losing patience with the repeated repairs. 

"Damage to any railings, wall or gate could lead to the Skatepark being closed until repairs can be carried out. 

"Please call out or report any vandalism you see happening so that the majority of the public can continue to have facilities like this provided. 

"Call the police on 101 to report vandalism."