A free health check event will be held in Nailsea next month.

As part of the Community Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Program, the event will take place at No 65 High Street Nailsea on June 7 by Accure Health Care Consultancy Ltd.

The programme is supported by NHS Bristol, North Somerset, and South Gloucester and will run from 11am until 3pm.

The aim is to identify those living with hidden cardiovascular disease (CVD), a condition causing a quarter of all UK deaths and considered one of the largest causes of premature mortality.

People are often unaware they have serious but treatable conditions such as atrial fibrillation, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.

North Somerset Times: Hayley Orchard, community wellbeing officer

Prevention of CVD is often possible through leading a healthy lifestyle, and early detection of risk factors reduces the chance of developing potentially life-threatening conditions like heart attacks, stroke, and dementia.

The Clinical Team from Accure will offer Mini Health Checks to identify any hidden CVD.

Free advice on Heart Disease and Stroke Risk prevention and maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle will also be available.

Hayley Orchard, community wellbeing officer, said: "We are really pleased to be able to offer this FREE Health Check event at No 65 High Street, Nailsea.

"No 65 is an informal drop-in venue run by Nailsea Town Council for anyone wanting advice and support.

"It is great that Accure Health Consultancy will be providing FREE health checks in June.

"NHS talking therapies will also be here on the same day from 10am - 2pm. NHS talking therapies is for individuals to talk about how they are feeling and what talking therapies can do to help."

For more information, contact info@accurehealth.co.uk or go to https://www.nailseatown.com/65-high-street/.