Meet Stormzy - the five-year-old four legged friend who is a regular visitor at Children's Hospice South West's Charlton Farm.

Named the 'Hero Doggie of the Year' by Guide Dogs UK, the labrador retriever cross was trained at Redbridge Guide Dog School before finding a home with Josselin Tilley in Westbury, West Wiltshire.

Besides being a constant companion for Ms Tilly, 18, her brother Dalton, 12, and mum Karen, Stormzy offers assistance during the family's regular visits to the hospice.

Karen said: "We had gone through the assessment process for a buddy dog and were waiting for a perfect match, and then Stormzy came along".

An integral part of the Tilley family, Stormzy helps navigate Josselin, who struggles with Charge Syndrome, is visually impaired, and battling epilepsy, in her wheelchair.

His knack for finding ramps, flat kerb bits, and following commands have proven invaluable.

Karen added: "He really is a lovely dog and loves children, having Stormzy by her side really calms her".

The hospice hold Stormzy in equally high regard.

Charlton Farm operations lead Matt Norman said: "We love having dogs like Stormzy come to stay.

"The dogs have a such a calming presence and are great for the wellbeing of everyone here."

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