A NAILSEA primary school which makes pupils "feel valued" has retained its Good rating following an Ofsted inspection.

Kingshill Church School, part of the Bath & Wells Multi Academy Trust, was visited by inspectors in March. The recent improvements brought about by headteacher Lisa Harvey and her team were praised.

The report reads: “The school’s leadership team … are relentless in their drive to secure a high-quality education.

“Adults and pupils appreciate the school’s work to develop a positive atmosphere for learning.”

The school was also praised for ensuring its 126 students feel happy and valued.

The inspectors add: “Pupils feel valued. The school supports families to ensure that pupils attend well. Many pupils join at different points in the school year. They settle in quickly and are made to feel welcome.”

Speaking about children's learning, in particular the school's focus on reading, the inspectors said: “Reading is at the front and centre of the school’s priorities. The school is uncompromising in the importance it places on reading.” 

Ofsted said the school’s leaders had acted to address weaknesses in the curriculum that had led to poor results and had now designed learning that identified what pupils needed to know.

Highlighting other areas that the school succeeds in, the report reads: "The personal, social and health education (PSHE) curriculum supports pupils to understand healthy relationships. This begins in Reception Year, where children learn to take turns.

"Older pupils talk about the importance of honesty and trust in a friendship. The computing curriculum supports pupils to stay safe online. Pupils understand the risks involved when using social media.

"The school has worked with pupils to better develop their understanding of protected characteristics. Pupils know that discrimination of any kind is unacceptable."

Headteacher Lisa Harvey said: “We are proud of this report, it acknowledges the quality of the relationships, our curriculum and recognises the positive impact this is having on the children’s progress.

“We are also pleased that the inspectors recognised the welcoming and nurturing environment of our school and its community, where staff and parents work together to support the social and emotional development of children as well as their academic progress.

"Many of the comments reflect the children’s voice and the way in which they feel valued and seen. This is central to our school offer.

“Our dedicated staff team, with the support of the trust and families, are determined to continue to enable everyone – adults and children – to be the best versions of themselves and be ready to live life in all its fullness.”