North Somerset Council is on the lookout for locations to use as rest centres in case of emergencies.

Venue owners and managers across the county are being encouraged to sign up to the Community Emergency Shelter Scheme.

The initiative ensures that adequate temporary refuge is available during emergency situations.

In such events, council officers designate the most suitable venue as a makeshift shelter.

A team of council staff and trained volunteers are dispatched to cater to the needs of people being directed to the rest centres.

Locations are evaluated for their suitability, and upon approval, are inducted in the scheme.

Cllr James Clayton, North Somerset Council’s executive member for safety in the community, said: “We’re looking for buildings that are warm and dry with electricity and lighting, a seating area, kitchen facilities and toilets, as a minimum.

"It could be a village hall, community centre, sports venue or religious establishment."

He stressed that it was crucial to have a diverse selection of venues throughout North Somerset, as emergencies, though rare, need due preparedness.

Mr Clayton pointed out how participating in the scheme could be a significant contribution to a community in times of crisis.

To sign up or re-register a venue, or to learn more about the scheme, visit