Tired of the same old cleaning routine? Is grime winning the battle in your home? Are you simply curious about some new and exciting ways to keep your home clean? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Below, cleaning expert Joyce French at www.HomeHow.co.uk has created a guide on clever cleaning hacks you may not have heard before.

Joyce reveals a treasure trove of clever cleaning hacks that will banish dirt and dust to oblivion. From unexpected heroes like everyday household items to brilliant techniques you've never considered, here you’ll learn how to make cleaning a breeze. So, get your cleaning gloves on, grab your favourite cleaning cloth and get ready to transform your cleaning game!

Baking Soda Oven Door Cleaning Hack

Is there anything more frustrating than a greasy oven door, especially when you're captivated by your culinary creations baking inside? Here's a simple hack to restore its shine - Make a paste with baking soda and water. Spread it generously over the glass door and let it sit for 15-30 minutes, allowing the baking soda to work its magic on the grease. Finally, wipe away the paste with a clean cloth to reveal a sparkling oven door, good as new!

Coca Cola Toilet Cleaning Hack

Forget harsh chemicals! Did you know that Coca-Cola can double up as a powerful cleaning agent? Coca-Cola's secret weapon is its acidic content, which tackles tough toilet bowl stains. Simply pour a generous amount of Coca-Cola around the rim, letting it sit for an hour to work its magic. Then, with a good scrub from your toilet brush, those stubborn stains will be banished, leaving your toilet bowl sparkling clean and smelling fresh.

Blender Cleaning Trick

Blenders can be an absolute nightmare to clean, especially when you’re trying to clean around the blades. Did you know there is a very simple and very effective method of cleaning a blender? Simply fill the blender with warm water and liquid dish soap and then blend the mixture like you would blend anything else. Keep blending the mixture until the blender is completely clean. Just don’t forget to rinse out the soapy residue before placing anything else in the machine.

Iron Carpet Stain Trick

Carpet stains can be a huge burden. However, there is a simple way to get these out of your floors. You can forget about expensive carpet cleaners. Instead, locate your iron and a dampen a clean white cloth. Place the damp cloth on top of the stain and then press your iron onto it on a high setting. The steam from the iron will effectively lift the stain. Once your carpet has dried, the stain will be no more.

Toothpaste Cleaning Hack

It’s very easy for toothpaste to get stuck on parts of your bathroom sink, but did you know that you can use this toothpaste residue for cleaning? Next time you notice toothpaste marks around the sink, grab a sponge or damp cloth and give your sink a quick scrub with it. The toothpaste residue will act as a gentle cleaner for the bathroom and will leave your sink looking sparklingly clean and smelling minty fresh.

Trick to Keep Your Sponges Clean

It’s very easy for germs and bacteria to gather and breed on your cleaning sponges. There is a great, simple trick for cleaning your old cleaning sponges. Simply take your sponges (only sponges without metal) and saturate them with water. Then, place the sponges in the microwave on high power for around 1 – 2 minutes (depending on the number of sponges). This will then banish around 99.9% of germs.

Clean The Microwave With Lemons

The microwave can often become a place filled with dirt and grime. If you’re tired of trying to scrub away all of the stubborn dirt, instead, try placing some cut up lemons in a bowl of water and microwave it on full power for five minutes. The lemons will loosen the grease and grime and leave your microwave smelling lemony fresh. Once the five minutes is up, simply remove and discard the bowl and wipe around the microwave with a clean cloth – no scrubbing needed.

Remove Water Stains With Vinegar

If you have water stains on your glasses, vinegar can work wonders. All you need to do is create a mixture of one part vinegar and one part water. Apply the mixture to the water stains and allow it to sit for around 15 minutes. Once the vinegar has had time to break down all the debris, you can then use a toothbrush to scrub away the scum. Then, give the glass a quick rinse and wipe the surface clean and dry.

Clean Mildew With Vodka

If you have any mildew present in your bathroom, you can get rid of it in no time with a bit of vodka. Add one part vodka and one part water to a spray bottle and spray it directly on the affected area. Leave it to sit for around 1- - 15 minutes and then wipe it away with a clean cloth. Not only does the vodka clean away the mildew, the alcohol content will also kill the mildew, preventing it from coming back time and time again.

Scrub Shower Doors With Salt and Lemon

Shower doors can easily become quite grimy over time. Luckily, you don’t need any harsh cleaning chemicals to get them gleaming again. Simply cut a lemon in half and dip one half in salt. Use this to scrub the doors. The abrasive salt content and the acidity of the lemon will eat away at all of the mineral and soap scum build-up. Plus, the lemon will also leave your shower smelling citrusy-fresh.

Use a Dryer Sheet to Clean Skirting Boards

Nobody likes the idea of getting on your hands and knees to wipe the skirting boards. Luckily, there is a solution to this problem. Simply attach a dryer sheet to your sweeper and you’ll pick up all of the dust and debris while also adding a nice fresh scent to your home.

Dust Upholstery With a Lint Duster

If your sofa and other upholstered items are looking a bit dusty or crumby, a feather duster won’t usually do a lot. Instead, grab a lint roller and run this along the surface. This will pick up all of the dust and crumbs and will also effectively pick up the more stubborn debris such as pet hair or glitter.

Remove Carpet Stains With Vodka

Clear alcohols such as plain vodka or white wine are great for bringing up carpet stains. Begin by blotting the stain and then pour the clear alcohol directly onto the stain. Leave it to soak for around 10 – 15 minutes and then blot again. You’ll see the stain come up like magic.

Dust Off Electronics With Coffee Filters

Coffee filters are great items to keep around the living room and office for cleaning. They are great for getting dust off things like computer screens, tv screens, and any other monitors around the home. The great thing about using coffee filters for dusting is that they won’t leave behind any fibres that a cloth or towel may do.

Final Thoughts

With these clever cleaning hacks in your back pocket, you've just become a household hero. From everyday items to surprising techniques, you now have the tools to banish dirt and dust efficiently. So next time you tackle a cleaning chore, remember – it doesn't have to be a struggle. Put these tips to the test, and you might be surprised at how much easier (and maybe even a little fun!) cleaning can become.