A COMMUNITY group in Clevedon is to run a popular quiz night in aid of the foodbank.

Memeber of the Clevedon Yeo Rotary will see fun, games and camaraderie enjoyed at the Friary Hall in Clevedon next week. 

Club president, Bob Sprange, said "It is essential the Clevedon and District Foodbank gets financial support to help with running costs for their unit in our town. 

"We have received tremendous support for our quiz nights in the past and have been able to donate several thousand pounds to this great cause in the last couple of years.

"It's a great fun night out so why don't you come along and join us."

The quiz will be held at the Marine Hill venue on November 25.

Tickets are priced at £8.50 which includes supper.

For purchase, contact Tony on 01275 218987.