Drivers and riders caught speeding, being distracted and failing to look properly are contributing to the rising number of road traffic accidents in North Somerset.

The number of drivers distracted on the roads leading to crashes, has more than doubled in the past five years and more people are failing to adhere to speed limits.

Drink-driving has decreased – but since 2013 the number of people caught speeding has doubled, plus there has been a more than 50 per cent increase in the amount of motorists who fail to look properly while using the roads.

People who have lost control of a vehicle on the road went up by almost 40 per cent and those caught in the area for careless driving, such as tailgating and lane hogging, has increased by the same amount.

Driving examiner for IAM RoadSmart, Neil Bayliss, teaches qualified road users in North Somerset, he said: “I do not think it is a case of bad driving in the area – but more about people having a lack of awareness about the risks they are taking when using the roads.”

Driving and riding group IAM RoadSmart specialises in developing skills of motorists through advanced courses, business programmes and introductory sessions.

He adds: “The biggest issues are drivers tailgating, speeding and overtaking other cars dangerously in North Somerset.

“As a rule when you are using the road, if you double the two-second gap to a four from car in front of you – the additional time then gets shared between you and the vehicle behind you, which is a much safer way to drive.”

“It is all about limiting the amount of unnecessary risks drivers and riders are taking – and this also means anticipating, planning and avoiding mistakes made by other motorists travelling on the roads as well.”

The figures also reveal a rise in pedestrian accidents, with people caught crossing roads in a hurry or carelessly having more than doubled since 2013.

North Somerset’s Weston and Mendip Advanced Motorists charity offer advanced driving lessons to people in the area and offer tips and advice on how to become a safer road user.

For more details, visit or call 07020 934714.