North Somerset offers a variety in terrain for cyclists. From the flat, man-made Strawberry Line path to the more gruelling Bristol Airport Loop, there are cycle routes aplenty. We pick 4 favourites to get you on your bike

North Somerset Times: (Copyright Chris McAuley and licensed for reuse under Chris McAuley and licensed for reuse under (Image: Archant)

The Strawberry Line Heritage Trail

Probably the most iconic of cycle routes in North Somerset, the Strawberry Line is for both walkers and cyclists and is a path constructed on the site of the old railway line (trains used to carry strawberries from Cheddar, hence the name). As such the track is reasonably flat and excellent terrain, even for road bikes. There are plenty of colourful wildflowers, birds and insect/wildlife to see en-route this 10 mile ride. Start at Yatton and veer northwards for Clevedon and southwards for Cheddar. Thatcher’s Brewery is a good stop-off point for refreshments along the way.

North Somerset Times: ('Weston-super-Mare beach seen from the Grand Pier, showing the popularity of the town as a tourist destination on the Easter bank holiday weekend' by NotFromUtrecht licensed under'Weston-super-Mare beach seen from the Grand Pier, showing the popularity of the town as a tourist destination on the Easter bank holiday weekend' by NotFromUtrecht licensed under (Image: Matt Neale 2011)

Sand Bay - Uphill Beach Cycle Route

A family-cycle trip lasting around 50 minutes, this ride has lots of stopping places en-route where you can catch your breath and pretend to the kids you really just wanted to see the view. There’s the odd hilly place too to provide enough of a challenge to those who get fed up cycling along the flat all the time. Start at the end of Beach Road in Weston-super-Mare and head towards Kewstoke. Turn right onto Kewstoke Road. Cycle along Royal Parade and Marine Parade before turning right onto Uphill Rd. Go onto Uphill Rd and turn right into Old Church Road. Next it’s Ellesmere Road/Thornbury Road then right into Links Road. This will bring you to Uphill Beach.

Image via Wikipedia under a Creative Commons Licence Code

North Somerset Times: (Bristol airport aerial view by Tomcoll licensed under airport aerial view by Tomcoll licensed under (Image: Archant)

Bristol Airport Loop

For those who fancy making a day of it, the 35-mile Bristol Airport Loop combines exercise with some sightseeing through various pretty North Somerset villages and towns. Struggle up steep hills then freewheel down the other side. The route starts at Weston-super-Mare’s Grand Pier and follows Alexandra Parade onto National Cycle Route 33 for a mile, it then goes on to the B3440. It’s then back onto route 33 again until Ebdon lane which turns onto the A370. Next – after six miles - its Brockley Combe Road then onto the A38, past two roundabouts and onto Old Barne Lane. Turning right onto New Road it’s then left onto Bristol Road. Turn right onto Blagdon Land then onto the A368 for a cycle of seven miles until the A371 and Banwell Road. Four miles later take the third exit onto the A370 then left onto Marine Parade.

Weston Cycle Route

Experience both the beach and the countryside on this pleasant cycle around the border of Weston-super-Mare. The two-hour ride both starts and ends at the Grand Pier where you’ll certainly deserve an ice cream after all that exercise. You’ll go to Lower Norton Land, Lyefield Road then Ebdon Road. Next is Wick Road onto the A370. From Silver Moor Lane turn onto Wolvershill Rod and Summer Lane. Then it’s the A371 and onto Banwell Road. Turn onto Windmill Hill then turn into Bleadon Hill. Go to Uphill Road South then left to the A370. Marine Parade will take you back to the Pier.

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